The department has carried out M.Sc and Ph.D Research in the areas of
With the Colloboration and financial Support of AP State Departments, Indian Council of Agricultural Research etc., the department had taken up field research and extension activities. The outcome of the research activities have contributed to the enhancement of quality of life of rural households by developing and popularizing technologies like Hay Basket, smokeless Chula, Janatha fridge, Zero energy Cool Chamber, Solar Cookers, Solar Dryer etc.
The ICAR Sponsored All India Coordinated Research Project in Family Resource Management had covered many research activities, the results of which are beneficial & relevant to the rural households. Under this programme, designing, developing & popularizition of technologies like – Water Carriage Trolley, Paddy Row Seeder, Head load manager, sapling transplanter, Ergonomic Tools for Farm Activities, Ergonomic Rural kitchen Designs have been successfully done.
Other Researches
S.No | Project Title | Investigators | Funding Agency | Period /duration | Budget Rs. in lakhs |
1 | Glycemc index profiling of rice varieties for combating lifestyle diseases | 1. Dr. K. Uma Maheswari P.I. Professor & University Head Cum Director-CAFT- H SC 2. Dr. Jessi Suneetha W Co.P.I. Assistant Professor | RKVY | 3 years | 16.00 |
2 | Product development and value addition from underutilized fruits and vegetables of North Eastern Hill Region of India | 1. Dr.K. Aparna P.I. Assistant Professor 2. Dr. M. Sridhar Co.P.I. Principal Scientist | DBT | 3 years | 19.07 |
3 | Collaborative project on Resilient Agricultural Households through adaptation to Climate Change in Mahaboobnagar Distrcit ,Telangana | Dr. T.V. HYMAVATHI Technical expert - processing and value addition | NAFCC | 4 years | -- |
Contact Us
Professor cum CAFT Director,
Center for Advanced Factulty
Training - Home Science
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